So I'm approaching my stop on the Bx39 bus and I notice an older woman moving towards the section of the bus where I was seated. I motioned to her so she could take my seat and she came in my direction. I got up to let her sit down. As she got near the seat, I see a flash behind me and this little old dude who was sitting behind me snuck into the solo seat that I was previously occupying. I was stunned. What a slick little fucker. The woman ended up taking up his old seat next to another guy.
I tell the old dude that I got up to give her my seat and not him and at first he ignored me. Since he looked like my old departed grandmother, I knew he was Dominican and I spoke to him in Spanish. Again I tell him that the seat was for her not him and he answers me in gibberish and waves me off.
I could barely understand him but I got the gist from his body language that since I was getting off it didn't matter who took the seat. The woman just shook her head and I told her in Spanish that I guess all the gentlemen sank with the Titanic to which she chuckled. The old dude must have taken exception with my statement and said "Fuck You" to me in clear old English.
I looked at him and laughed. I told him "Tu si tienes cojones" (You surely have some balls) as I walked off the back of the bus. Guess Wanda Sykes is right: OLD PEOPLE DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
Upcoming Beer Selections for Review March 25, 2025
What's up peeps!!! The weather is getting warmer, and the days are getting
longer. Baseball season is two days away and that means more chances to
taste ...
1 day ago