Today marks a sad day. Bobby Ray Murcer has passed on due to his battle with brain cancer. Another one of MY Yankees has passed on. Bobby played on the Yankees of the late 1970's and early 1980's that I grew up watching. As when Thurman, Billy and Scooter passed on, I feel a sadness that part of my youth is gone. The era of the Bronx Zoo evokes a time for me where life was simple. Baseball, comics, baseball cards and stickers. There was nothing else to life but that. But as an adolescent, why should there be anything else?
Bobby Murcer is a man with values and beliefs that in today's cutthroat society seem to have been lost. Makes you wish that more people like him who have such values and beliefs would be celebrated more in life than how we do when they pass on. I recently watched an episode of Halls of Fame with Fran Healy who interviewed Bobby Murcer about 7 months ago. He spoke of the struggle with the brain cancer with such candor and ease that made you wish that he would as he put it "Not be part of the bell curve". Meaning that the Bell Curve for those living with the cancer was 14 months. Bobby lived for 21 months. How can you not root for someone who even though he knew the end of his story continued to move forward and working in the field that he loved: Baseball. His strength through adversity, his love for his family and the fans is truly something to be admired. With a tear (or two) I bid you farewell. Thank you for the memories and may you Rest In Peace.
Upcoming Beer Selections for Review March 25, 2025
What's up peeps!!! The weather is getting warmer, and the days are getting
longer. Baseball season is two days away and that means more chances to
taste ...
1 day ago