As I spoke to my friend Samuel yesterday, he seemed to be at odds with the match. Samuel is African, having been born in Liberia but has lived in this country for a number of years. He said he liked both teams but would have to root for Ghana. The reason being was that Ghana was the lone African team remaining in the field of 16 in a World Cup that is being played on African soil. The way I see it, the whole of Africa is resting their hopes and dreams for a World Cup champion on Ghana's shoulders.
As it is, the very idea of a World Cup being played on African soil shows how small the world has become and how important all the continents have become within the world system. What would further cement Africa's rise within said system than a victory of the cup by Africa's lone remaining representative: Ghana. Can it happen? I'm not sure of the odds but Futbol seems to me that it is a game of timely breaks and opportunities. Ghana plays a very tough opponent in Uruguay on July 2, 2010 so anything is possible. What I would believe that is more realistic is that the whole of Africa, regardless of religion, class, tribe, language and ethnicity will wrap itself within the flag of Ghana for at least the next week if not longer if Ghana continues to win. And that is why the game of Futbol is truly the world sport. It transcends all barriers.