These two young dudes come into the bar and beeline towards these two women who are sitting talking among themselves at the bar. "Papi chulos" that they are start kicking it to the ladies. The ladies are obviously older than they are and really don't want to be bothered but are nice to the guys.
After a few minutes, Mike tells me that they haven't ordered anything. So I tell him to ask them if they want something, to which they respond that "We're thinking about it". I show Mike 3 fingers meaning that if they don't order in 3 minutes I would step in. Even before I hit the 3 minute mark, one of the dudes gets touchy feely with one of the ladies by touching her on the lower back. This caused the other one to snap at the young buck to keep his hands to himself. Seeing the opening, I stepped to the guys and said "you guys have to order something or you have to go". They respond but we want to play pool. I repeat my last statement to them without flinching. They fidgeted for a minute and got up and said goodbye to the ladies and quietly left the bar.
I tell the ladies "You're welcome for getting rid of them" to which they respond in unison "What took you so long". And they didn't even buy the ladies a drink. I mean, I know I've been retired from the game for a while now but I don't think that not buying a lady a drink while at the bar will mean that you'll hook up with them any faster. Cheap fuckers.
And talking about cheap...No more than 5 minutes after the young bucks left the bar than does the playa of the night show up. Decked out in a Hot Pink suit with matching tie, shoes and sash on a white fedora, this playa strolls into the bar with his hard strut. If he strutted any harder he'd break into pieces. LOL. I ask him for his ID, which he shows me and walks to the end of the bar.
He asks the bartender what the cheapest drink is, to which Mike says $6 dollars causing the playa to turn right back and hard strut his way back out the door. Guess the playa had no cash to drink since he spent it all on the suit. In a side note, one of our regulars named Gizmo tells me that he knows the playa and he has other suits like that one in Lime Green and Orange. To quote Stevie when he saw the playa walk in: "Whooooo". Whoooo is right. LOL.
Upcoming Beer Selections for Review March 25, 2025
What's up peeps!!! The weather is getting warmer, and the days are getting
longer. Baseball season is two days away and that means more chances to
taste ...
1 day ago